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Kőszeg and its surroundings

Located on the Austrian border, with a population of about ten thousand, our romantic little town is rich in history and has played a significant role in earlier in Hungary as well as Austria. Throughout history, Kőszeg has been part of both sides of the border, so the mix of German, Austrian and Hungarian culture is quite dominant in the everyday life. There has also been significant influence of Croatian culture ever since the time of the Turkish invasions. Kőszeg's most famous story is undoubtedly about the Turkish siege, when the town defended itself against a five-strong overwhelming force and saved Austria!

Városunk elsősorban a tiszta, jó levegőről, a nyugalomról híres, valamint a mindennap 11-kor megszólaló, a törökök kivonulását megemlékező harangszóról! A világháborúkat túlélő belvárosunk régi épületei, a terek fokozatosan megújulnak, aminek köszönhetően ismét a középkori, romantikus hangulat kerül a középpontba! Látnivalók sokasága, a középkori vár, romantikus belváros, kirándulás a hegyen, csobbanás a közeli gyógyfürdőben, itt mindent megtalál! Kőszeget méltán hívják az „ország ékszerdobozának”, ami mára már ismét egy kiemelt turisztikai úticéllá vált, gazdag történelme, látnivalói, kirándulóhelyei és a környék is. A Kőszegi-hegység számtalan kirándulási lehetőséget kínál a túrázni vágyóknak, a Dunántúl legmagasabb pontja itt található, az országos Kék túra indulópontja pedig szintén itt van!  Nincs olyan idelátogató, aki ne szeretne bele egyből ebbe a kisvárosba!

The city of honour

One of the country's most atmospheric small towns with a historic atmosphere, restored squares full of monuments and attractions has a lot to offer for visitors. It is famous about the honour system, when people leave things outside their house they want to sell with a little jar to put some money in! Look out for the little honesty boxes on the roadside, you can always find fresh fruit, vegetables, flower or a nice handcrafted gifts!

Local events

You will not be bored! The 151 year old brass band, the infamous castle theatre, the internationally renowned Japanese drum band, exhibitions, gastronomic festivals, and of course other events around the nearby countryside and the nature park all contribute to a valuable Kőszeg experience!

Nearby places

The area has a thousand little wonders and the small villages by the foot of the Alps have plenty to offer! Discover the wineries in the Kőszeg Mountains or the artisan products of the Nature Park who sell their goods in front of their houses via their unique honour system!

Hiking, cycling

Whether you're looking for a light or more challenging route, the alpannonia® nature park trails are easy to follow with low gradients, signposted tourist routes. The round tours are accompanied by signposted maps, helpful guidance, humour and soul-stirring quotes.


The austrian border and the country's many-many interesting sights and attractions are so near, you should not miss out! The Austrian side of the mountain range is full of beautiful places, the most popular is the castle of Lockenhaus. Others can be found in Bernstein, Rechnitz and Mariasdorf, or you can simpy enjoy the positive vibes of a wonderful picnic under the 350-year-old chestnut trees!